Monday 30 November 2015

Branding Design And Management



For the first task, we need to make a research about what is branding. So, in this task I was decided to choose Apple Inc brand and make a research about it.

Firstly, what is branding ?

Branding.Apple does it. Of course ! Entire countries do it. And even if you've got a logo, u do it, right ? Brands is everywhere. brands is not just a logo, corporate identity, marketing or advertising. But brand is confidence, passion, belonging, action, security or a set of unique value. For me, brand is YOU ! YOU MAKE THEM AND YOU FEEL IT.It lives in people's heart and minds.

Branding also have a family and its call "Family Branding".Family branding is a type of marketing tactic. It involves using one brand name to market multiple products. For example, a company may use one brand to market soap, lotion, hair shampoo, and nail polish. This differs from branding individual products, which involves giving each product its own name and image.

Ok, back to Apple Inc. Apple start-up when Steve Jobs approached Steve Wozniak to sell the computer he was building as a hobby.Once they got the capital needed, they assembled the Apple I in Jobs' parents' garage and released it April 1, 1976. Although the Apple I wasn't successful, the Apple II sold very well and the company expanded greatly.

Steve Jobs 

 Steve Wozniak
Ronald Wayne

Tim cook

(Apple CEO)

People associate Apple with innovative, well-designed, easy to use/user friendly, and high-tech products.The brand strategy focuses on the emotions of consumers.The brand personality is about lifestyle and simplicity.Apple wants customers to love its brand, not just use it.

These is 5 group target market Apple. Firstly is teenagers. why ? because it was a trend using Apple product and with this stuff they can socialize with friends,listening music and playing the games that appeal to them.
Secondly, college and university student. These student use apple product to quickly record the notes. These products are light which makes carrying devices to and from school much easier.
Thirdly, Apple product also useful to young children and kids. This because its easy to use due to their touch screen which is good for children. Parent also can download learning game apps on Apple to teach them. 
Fourthly, Business people. These devices help them to finish the work efficiently and to communicate with clients easily like sending documents is easy and organised.
The lastly, adult. Its useful to adult for their everyday needs such as phone call, maps direction, internet connection and many more. Carrying the small devices makes their life much easier to communicating daily.

Everything in this world have their own competitors. As well as apple. HP, Dell,lenovo,samsung,microsoft and many more is Apple's competitors.



Based on the research, I had to create the brand concept for the project. The ideas should reflect the solutions or finding from my research. I had experiment and explore various style or trend of design during this stage.

From my research I found that Apple's problem are not too many, so I take the commonly people problem that is convenience. So, in this task , my brand concept is convenience. To give people convenience, I make the Apps that call "Icount". This Apps make people easily to making a any payment. People can buy without go to that place and make a payment. They can buy anything they want while they was lie down, online, and many more. 

For example, when they want to  pay the parking , they just need to scan card machine by using the iC apps. So, they no need to find the parking machine to pay it. u just need to scan the card , and the iC will pay for u. 

Other than that, u also can make payment by using iC apps such as phone bill, water bill, electric bill and many more.



On 09 sept 2015, Apple sales was decrease.

So, to increase it back, Apple should sell a exciting product or service and push customer to experience a new level. Other than that, make a good relationship with other big companies and continue to innovate to delight the customers.

So, the significant for this idea is to make people use and experience Apple product as their necessity.

For the aim for this project is to save the people time.

The first objective is to understand human inside. What kind of thing that human really need such as business people, who are very busy all the time. They need something that fast, simple, easy,secure and so on

So, to fulfill human needed I introduce a new service that very useful to people that is a new Apps that i named it icount.

For this project , my target audience is Adult and business people and teenagers. Why ? because they was working,so they have their money and they also too many thing to do , i mean busy all the time.


So, how this apps going to work ? firstly, u have to install icount from Appstore and then sign up. After that, follow the step. After u already have your account, u can make a payment and get the discount, u just need to type what kind of things that u want to pay and put the location and then the apps will help u pay for it. 

Other than that, u also can get the discount from this apps by scanning the barcode to get the discount.

lastly, after all the thing was done u will pay it by using 2 option , one is VISA or Banking online.

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