Monday 30 November 2015

Contextual Practice



Majapahit is hindhu-buddha government that largest in Jawa. Majapahit kingdom emerge after damaged sanghasari government. Majapahit government constituded by Raden Wijayaafter being given a forest pull and give the name of that place as Majapahit. the place name taken based on a fruit that called maja and its taste bitter.

Majapahit government through 3 phrases.The first phase is namely initial phase, splendour phase and collapse phase. in initial phase, majapahit government starts formed by Raden Wijaya by coorperating with military mongol to beat Jayakatwang to reverage on the death of Kertawijaya. then, Raden Wijaya ambushed mongol army and force them to go out from Jawa island. Majapahit government through heyday when Majapahit rule helmed by Wuruk Hayam and aided by dull elephant vizier. However after Hayam Wuruk and Patih gajah mada died, the majapahit empire started to decline as happened to scramble the throne between heirs, weaknesses in the systems of the rebellion among ministers and the colony.


The culture of Majapahit is very unique and have the attraction to make us visit, for example, Borobodur temple. Borobodur temple is buddha monument that is largest in the world. Beside that, a lot of people wants to know how the Majapahit government can achieve the glory of Majapahit Emphire that is so high and how government-based Majapahit empire can fall.


- We should looking for matter and stuff that suitable to understand more about Majapahit culture.

- Most Malaysia just concentrate to Malacca government history compared to Majapahit kingdom.

- History books should be redesigned or changed it to more attractive so that teenagers feel more enjoy to        read.


- Majapahit culture difficult to be understand among Malaysia society.

- Most Malaysia do not know about Majapahit kingdom history.

- Books about history is less favoured by youth now because they think the book sp     boring and there is       nothing attract their attention to read.

- History books also difficult to find it for to be made reading materials.


Majapahit was an empire centered in East Java, Indonesia, which had remained from 1293 until around 1500 AD, founded by Raden Wijaya has Kertarajasa Jayawardana who is a descendant of King Ken Arok Singosari. Majapahit kingdom was Hindhu-buddhist kingdom that controls the end archipelago and is considered as one of the greatest country in the history of Indonesia. The golden age of Majapahit kingdom which is run by Hayam Wuruk (1350 AD- 1389 AD) , who was helped by the grand vizier Gajah Mada conquered the region in the archipelago, based on the book covers Negrakretagama Majapahit territory Sumatra, Peninsula Malacca, Borneo, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua and some islands of Philippines.

Kings who ruled the kingdom of Majapahit:
1. Raden Wijaya 1273 - 1309
2. Jayanegara 1309-1328
3. Tribhuwanatunggaldewi 1328-1350
4. Hayam Wuruk 1350-1389
5. Wikramawardana 1389-1429
6. Kertabhumi 1429-1478

The Majapahit Empire's collapse came after the deadth of Hayam Wuruk in 1389 AD, there was chaos and divisions within the royal family. This triggered a power struggle between the crown princess who married prince Wirakmawardhana with children Kusumawardhani Hayam Wuruk. Peregreg war ensured in 1405M - 1406M ended Majapahit kingdom.


According to legend formed of a betrayal of the love of a princess named Dewi Kilisuci against two powerful kings Mahesa Suro and Lembu Suro. At that time, Dewi Kilisuci child Jenggolo daughter famous with her beauty was proposed with two kings. However, instead of applying the human race, because of the one-headed ox named Lembu Suro and one-headed buffalo named Mahesa Suro.

To reject the proposal, Dewi Kilisuci making contest that may not be done by ordinary people, which makes two wells on the top of Mount Kelud, which one should smell fishy and one should smell fragrant and must be completed in one night or until the cock crowed. With magic Mahesa Suro and Ox Suro, the contest carried. After working all night, both winning in the contest. But Dewi Kilisuci still not willing to married. Then Dewi Kilisuci as to request once again. Dewi Kilisuci ask that two kings had to prove first that the two wells are really smell fishy and fragrant , so they had to go into the well.

Deceived by the seduction, they went into the very deep well. Once they were in the well, Dewi Kilisuci Jenggala ordered the soldiers to hoard them with stones. so , Mahesa Suro and Ox Suro dead. But before lembu Suro die, he was swear by saying "Yes,tomorrow the kediri will get a retaliation. Kediri going to be a river, Blitar and Tulungagung will be land into a lake.


Majapahit kingdom is the name of a Hindu Kingdom in East Java. This kingdom was established by Raden wijaya in 1293. During the reign of king Hayam Wuruk(1350-1389), who was accompanied by the government of Gajah Mada (1331-1389), who was accompanied by the government of Gajah Mada (1331-1364), Majapahit havina a golden period. Panataran Temple is the largest and most important temple for Hindus in East Java, which was built in the heyday of the empire. After king was killed in the attack kertanegara jayakatwang (king of Kediri), was over the government singasari. king kertanegara with other government officials werekilled in the attack. raden wijaya and his followers were allowed to deforest Travel(now a village Trowulan) into the village. Here then stands the Majapahit Empire.
Rat temple, where a relative of the king of Majapahit. in 1293 Kublai Khan of China's team came up with the aim to destroy the united singasari. They do not know that Singasari been destroyed. This is used by Raden Wijaya for revenge to the King Jayakatwang.

The ruler of Majapahit:

Raden Wijaya : 1309
Jayanegara : 1309-1328
Tribhuwanatunggaldewi : 1328-1350
Hayam Wuruk : 1350 - 1389
Wikramawardhana : 1389 - 1429
Suhita : 1429 - 1447
Kertawijaya : 1447- 1451
Rajasawardhana : 1451- 1453
Bhre Wengker : 1456-1466
Singhawikramawardhana : 1466 - 1468
kertabhumi : 1468 - 1478
Ranawijaya/Girindrawardhana : 1478 - ?

Raden Wijaya team worked with Kublai Khan, who numbered about 20,000 people. In a short time, the Government and the King of Kediri destroyed Jayakatwang killed. Kublai Khan's forces back to the port, but in the middle of Raden Wijaya team with the help of a team of North Singasari attacking team. Kublai Khan's troops to get out of the East and Raden Wijaya became king with his Kertarajasa Jayawardhana.

Majapahit empire covering the whole of Java (except for land users), most of the island of Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia until Irian Jaya. This is achieved due to the expansion of the political expansion of the Patih Mangkubumi Gajah Mada. At this time the empire reached their peak.

The collapse of Majapahit
After the death of Raden Wijaya, the Majapahit Empire was hit several uprisings. The uprising was a revolt among Ranggalawe, Sora, and Kuti during the reign of Jayanegara (1309-1328), and rebellion, and Keta Sadeng Tribhuwanatunggadewi time (1328-1350). Rebellion can end the reign of King Hayam Wuruk (1350-1389). After the reign of King Hayam Wuruk of Majapahit Empire in decline. In 1522, the empire was destroyed by the civil war. In addition, factors that also affect the collapse of the empire was the emergence of the Kingdom of Malacca and the development of Islamic culture.


In conclusion, we don't look down on the others people based on the external only. In addition we also have to keep the promise that we have promised and don't judge a person for the sake of ourselves, but we need to think the others.



This story tell about an princess from palembang that have a skin disease. To cure the disease, the princess should bath in kelud mountain lake. After she have a permission from her father, princess go to kelud mountain with 10 thousand soldiers and 2 thousand commanders that are strong. During princess journey, many her followers was killed . And the princess still continue her journey to kelud mountain.

King of palembang very angry when he find out the majapahit government that under lembu suru leadership had collected tax in their colony area. After that, the war happened between 2 large governments in Malay archipelago. However,the war is not dropping any party because their defence system is very strong. After that , palembang government and majapahit government held agreement which said government majapahit can collect tax but they should pay tribute to palembang government.

After end war of majapahit government and palembang government, lembu suru go to hunting in the forest. During he walk , king have heard woman's voice ask help . He ran to the woman's place and find out a snake try to peck the princess. king also kill the snake with the knife. During lembu suru wish to kill the snake , one of princess follower see the incident that happened between lembu suru and princess. Then, he run and return to palembang government and tell all to King of Palembang . The king of Palembang becomes so angry and fight against majapahit government because he thought lembu suru have betrayed their agreement.

Princess also thanks to lembu suru because helped him just now. After that , lembu suru ask princess's name and why she in the forest alone. The princess introduce herself and tell lembu suru that  she should go to top of kelud mountain to cure her disease. Then Lembu Suru offers herself to accompany the princess to kelud mountain.

Once they arrived at the top of kelud mountain, princess have see kelud lake guardian. the old man had given permission to allow princess to bathed at the lake. After the princess  bathed at the lake finally her skin disease recover. Lembu suru so shocked after see the princess skin change and princess face turned become so beautiful and king also fall in love to her. Lembu suru proposed the princess as the queen at his governmnet and the princess also accept him and They was together return to palembang government to ask blessing to princess's  father.

After arrived at palembang government, Lembu suru was caught because accused of betraying agreement between majapahit government and palembang. However,after being explained by princess, Lembu suru also discharged and king palembang approves their marriage. after their wedding, palembang government and majapahit cooperated and become a government that is strongest in Malay archipelago.


hero :



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